People of MastergradeIT; Brandon’s story:
I was born in Zimbabwe. When people ask me if I see myself as Zimbabwean or South African, I reply with “I am me”. I don’t feel that I need to be labeled.
My parents decided that South Africa would offer our family a better future and moved to SA in 2006. As it’s difficult to uproot an entire family with young kids, my parents decided that it’s best to go to SA alone to get jobs and settle first. Before bringing me over too. My sibling was too young and joined my parents in the initial move to SA.
I lived with my grandparents for 2 years while my parents build a foundation and settled. At the young age of 8, I moved to South Africa. I fit into the new lifestyle very easily and settled. Of course I missed my friends, but I was young enough to easily adapt and make new friends.
My dad worked as a data capturer and watching him work, really ignited a passion for computers in me. A friend of mine introduced me to MasterGrade IT. I’m currently studying my A+ & N+ (PC Technician) and I’m really enjoying it.
I think the event that had the biggest impact on my young life so far, is the death of my uncle. He passed away in 2016. He was my favourite person. And the one that motivated me to be better and installed the importance to studying.
What’s next for me? Well, I don’t know. I’m only 20 years old and I don’t think that I need to have my life planned out as of yet. I am building my foundation and see where my passion takes me thereafter. I know that after I have completed my PC Technician studies, I would like to start working and then continue my studies at a later stage.
My learning experience with MasterGrade IT has been wonderful. I’m happy to be here every day. The training is top quality and I would whole heartedly refer others to study at MasterGrade IT.