Introduction to Programming Training Course

Students will learn the basics of computer programming by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and either the Visual C# or Visual Basic programming languages. The course assumes no prior programming experience and introduces the concepts needed to progress to the intermediate courses on programming, such as 20483B: Programming in C#.

The focus will be on core programming concepts such as computer storage, data types, decision structures, and repetition by using loops. The course also covers an introduction to object-oriented programming covering classes, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Coverage is also included around exception handling, application security, performance, and memory management

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Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Training Course

The course focuses on using HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well structured application.

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ASP.NET MVC 4.5 Course

In this 10264 courses, students will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET MVC and Web Forms applications using .NET Framework 4 tools and technologies. ASP.NET MVC will be introduced and compared with Web Forms so that students know when each should/could be used.

In this course, you will learn to develop advanced ASP.NET Model-View-Controller (MVC) 4 applications using .NET Framework 4.5 tools and technologies. You will learn how to enhance the performance and scalability of the web site application through coding activities. You will also be introduced to ASP.NET MVC 4 with comparison to Web Forms so you know when each should/could be used. You will learn how to create web sites that separate the user interface, data access, and application logic.

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Programming in C# with Microsoft Training Course

The course focuses on C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation detailswith .NET Framework 4.0. This course describes the new enhancements in the C# 4.0 language by using Visual Studio 2010.

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Developing WCF with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Training Course

This 10263 courses provides participants with the knowledge and skills to develop distributed applications using WCF 4 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

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Java Programming Course

The Java training course uses a combination of instructor lectures, computer demonstrations and interactive hands-on lab simulations to illustrate the major language constructs of Java.

The Java programming language has been thoroughly refined, extended, tested and proven by an active community of over five million software developers. It is designed so that you learn how to use Java in a matter of days

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Developing Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 and JavaScript

This course, provides students with knowledge of essential programming skills and techniques that are required to develop Windows Store apps.

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Python Programming

In this Python training course, students learn to program in Python. The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages.
This Python course is taught using Python 3; however, differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted. For private Python classes, our instructor can focus specifically on Python 2 if desired.

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