Microsoft Word Courses | Online & Classroom Training:

Microsoft Word Course training gives you the ability to create documents, letters, Templates and much more Word is a great program for helping you to present your information, with Microsoft Word Course you will cover some new material in this course some features like inserting online videos, new read mode and using the Cloud features.

MasterGrade IT offers Online Word Training.

Introduction to Microsoft Word 2019

This Introduction to Microsoft Word training class is designed for students new to working with Microsoft Word in Windows. Students will learn to create, edit, format, and print Microsoft Word documents.

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Intermediate Microsoft Word 2019

In this Microsoft Word 2019 training class, students learn advanced techniques, such as working with tables of contents, footnotes, and endnotes, adding comments, tracking changes, comparing and combining documents, creating envelopes and labels, using Mail Merge, and protecting documents. This class is for Word 2019 on Windows.

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Advanced Microsoft Word 2019

In this Microsoft Word training class, students learn advanced techniques, such as working with tables of contents, footnotes, and endnotes, adding comments, tracking changes, comparing and combining documents, creating envelopes and labels, using Mail Merge, and protecting documents. This class is for Word on Windows.

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